MySQL Multi Source Master Slave Replication using GTID

MySQL gtid replication

We are using GTID-based master-slave replication. In this replication, both master and slave should have the same GTID. This blog post aims to provide a step-by-step guide to help you set up MySQL Replication using GTIDs and help you replicate your MySQL data with ease.


Master Source 1
  1. Channel name: DEVELOPMENT
  2. Database: mydb1
  3. Enable Replication For Tables
    1. testing1
    2. testing2
    3. testing3
  4. Mysql Server Running:
Master Source 2
  1. Channel name: PRODUCTION
  2. Database: mydb1
  3. Enable Replication For Tables
    1. testing4
    2. testing5
    3. testing6
  4. Mysql Server Running:
  1. Mysql Server Running:

Configuration of  masters( and slave (

my.cnf config for master (

my.cnf config for master (

my.cnf config for slave (

Steps for taking a dump and restoring it

Run the following commands in both masters and
    1. Dump the database on the master: mysqldump --set-gtid-purged=OFF -u root -p mydb1 > backup.sql
    2. Restore the database on the slave: 
    mysql -u root -p mydb1 < backup.sql

    Step to enable replication on the master

    Run the following commands in both masters and
    1. Check GTID is ON: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'gtid_mode';
    2. Create a replication user on the master: CREATE USER 'replication_user'@'' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
    3. Grant replication privileges to the user: GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replication_user'@''; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
    4. Show the master status: SHOW MASTER STATUS\G;
    5. Disable WRITE operation on master till we enable replication: SET @@GLOBAL.read_only = ON;

    Steps to enable replication on the slave

    Run the following commands in the slave server node.
      1. Check GTID is ON: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'gtid_mode';
      2. Stop and reset the slave on the slave server: 
      3. Add GTID on the slave for channel DEVELOPMENT: SET GLOBAL gtid_purged='ccb0d141-dc54-11ee-923c-0242c0a8b005:1-33'; <!--- Should be same as master --->
      4. Change the master settings on the slave for channel DEVELOPMENTCHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO SOURCE_HOST='', SOURCE_PORT=3307, SOURCE_USER='replication_user', SOURCE_PASSWORD='password', SOURCE_AUTO_POSITION=1 FOR CHANNEL "DEVELOPMENT";
      5. Create table filters for replication for DEVELOPMENT channel: CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER REPLICATE_DO_TABLE = (mydb1.testing1, mydb1.testing2, mydb1.testing3) FOR CHANNEL "DEVELOPMENT";
      6. Start the slave for the specified channel: START REPLICA FOR CHANNEL "DEVELOPMENT";
      7. Show the slave status for the specified channel: SHOW REPLICA STATUS FOR CHANNEL "DEVELOPMENT"\G;
      8. Add GTID on the slave for channel PRODUCTIONSET GLOBAL gtid_purged='180c0583-e1e0-11ee-84fa-0242c0a84003:1-107'; <!--- Should be same as master --->
      9. Change the master settings on the slave for channel PRODUCTION: CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO SOURCE_HOST='', SOURCE_PORT=3308, SOURCE_USER='replication_user', SOURCE_PASSWORD='password', SOURCE_AUTO_POSITION=1 FOR CHANNEL "PRODUCTION";
      10. Create table filters for replication for the PRODUCTION channel: CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER REPLICATE_DO_TABLE = (mydb1.testing4, mydb1.testing5, mydb1.testing6) FOR CHANNEL "PRODUCTION";
      11. Start the slave for the specified channel: START REPLICA FOR CHANNEL "PRODUCTION";
      12. Show the slave status for the specified channel: SHOW REPLICA STATUS FOR CHANNEL "PRODUCTION"\G;
      13. Disable Read Only permission on both master: SET @@GLOBAL.read_only = OFF;

      To verify replication working

      1. Check masters GTID present in slave: show global variables like 'gtid_executed'; <!---Should be same as master--->
      2. Get detailed information about the replication applier status, including GTID-related information.
        SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_worker;
      3. Check replication_user is present in the master: SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user WHERE User = 'replication_user';

      Thank you! 😀 Hope you like my bog post.


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