
Showing posts from March, 2024

MySQL Multi Source Master Slave Replication using GTID

We are using GTID-based master-slave replication. In this replication, both master and slave should have the same GTID. This blog post aims to provide a step-by-step guide to help you set up MySQL Replication using GTIDs and help you replicate your MySQL data with ease. Prerequisite Master Source 1 Channel name:  DEVELOPMENT Database: mydb1 Enable Replication For Tables testing1 testing2 testing3 Mysql Server Running: Master Source 2 Channel name:  PRODUCTION Database: mydb1 Enable Replication For Tables testing4 testing5 testing6 Mysql Server Running: Slave Mysql Server Running: Configuration of  masters( and slave ( my.cnf config for master ( my.cnf config for master ( my.cnf config for slave ( Steps for taking a dump and restoring it Run the following commands in both masters and

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