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Given a polynomial of the form cnxn + cn-1xn-1 + cn-2xn-2 + … + c1x + c0and a value of x, find the value of polynomial for a given value of x. Here cn, cn-1, .. are integers (may be negative) and n is a positive integer.
Hi everyone 😎 , Today we are going to see how to access or modify WikiJS resources using WikiJS API. WikiJS exposes GraphQL API to access and modify the stuff according to our requirements. So In this blog post, we going to see How to set up WikiJS's local environment using docker. How to generate an API token in Wikijs. Using API tokens how to access WikiJS resources and how to modify them. First Local Setup using docker Here I am using docker to set up my local isolated WikiJS environment. Below is my docker-compose.yml file written by WikiJS contributors. To build the WikiJS environment we just need to run the following command docker-compose up -df [PATH_OF_DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML_FILE] To check the environment is in a running state run the following command docker ps Second Generate API token After setup our local environment we are ready to create our initial Administrator account in our WikiJS. 1. On the browser type localhost:80 2. Create an Administrator account Email: loc
Hey everyone 😊, Today I want to share another interesting thing which I found in StackOverflow and that is how to pass parameters in webhook. Those who don't know about webhook I advise you to google about it before going further reading. So for demonstration purpose, I am going to use Jenkins and Generic Webhook plugin . I created a job and called it testing and select Generic Webhook Trigger . Thereafter I add Request Parameter and in the request parameter I added the name of the request which is name Thereafter I added a token to specify that this job can only be triggered. After this, I select Execute Shell from Build and write the following code After doing this add webhook URL in bitbucket repository or GitHub repository with the parameter. The URL is look something like this Webhook URL:- https://[YOUR_JENKINS_URL]/generic-webhook-trigger/invoke?token=trigger&name=Svastikkka The configuration will something like this After saving my webhook configuration I
We are using GTID-based master-slave replication. In this replication, both master and slave should have the same GTID. This blog post aims to provide a step-by-step guide to help you set up MySQL Replication using GTIDs and help you replicate your MySQL data with ease. Prerequisite Master Source 1 Channel name: DEVELOPMENT Database: mydb1 Enable Replication For Tables testing1 testing2 testing3 Mysql Server Running: Master Source 2 Channel name: PRODUCTION Database: mydb1 Enable Replication For Tables testing4 testing5 testing6 Mysql Server Running: Slave Mysql Server Running: Configuration of masters( and slave ( my.cnf config for master ( my.cnf config for master ( my.cnf config for slave ( Steps for taking a dump and restoring it Run the following commands in both masters and
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